Palux ProfiLine: The modular high capacity range of heavy duty equipment designed for all catering operations and institutions.
Palux Bristoline: Powerful individual appliances that are versatile, mobile and can be combined in various ways to produce entire systems, according to size and type of operation.
Palux Bristoline Plus: This range offers the same performance and units in the Palux Bristoline Range but it incorporates them into a seamless worktop as ‘drop-in’ units.
Palux Functionline: A modular product line with individual components assembled in various combinations. Variable assembly combinations provide the most functional systems, most suited to their environment.
Palux Maitre: The unique and functional solution for the highest quality, custom-made and seamless cooking systems. It offers an upper limit of functionality through individually tailor-made solutions.
Palux Topline: Features a range of appliances with multifunctional capability which can replace a number of existing units and , in so doing, free-up valuable space in your kitchen. The range is tailor-made to create individual solutions for every size and type of operation.